Monday, February 14, 2011

muhammad pbuh prophet's birthday 2011

15 February 2011 to coincide with 12 robiul beginning was the birth of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. the prophet's birthday celebration biasaanya in content with increasing activities of Islamic or Islam, such as reading and writing competitions Remembrance, rote a letter - a short letter, MTQ, and others - others.
with this celebration we can know how important the presence of a character who takes us from the era of darkness into the path of light, which leads us to heaven GOD.

In the period before the Prophet Muhammad was born so semeraut order of life in various corners of the earth. With the coming of Islam which was sent down by God through the angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad SAW as it was changed little by little the order of life in the jaahiliyyah. Mulya berahlak leadership that he always gives an understanding of moral values and ahlak to his people, so with good morals and has been delivering ahlak Islam to the top position as the locomotive of world civilization. And not only that all human beings especially those who have embraced Islam throughout the world, can be saved by the Prophet Muhammad had brought the teachings of Islam from straying, and gave the streets of true guidance and happiness will in raihnya, both the world and the Hereafter later. Really the Prophet Muhammad is the prophet of the savior of mankind. Should we say to him sholawat and greetings.


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