Monday, March 14, 2011

Avocados natural fruit to your diet

Avocados are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet that can assist in making healthy weight, lose weight and prevent unhealthy many age-related diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. Therefore, when you add lawyers to your diet you can live a long and healthy life without disease.

Add lawyers to your diet is easy because they go well with a wide range of foods. Here are some ideas for how you can add lawyers to your diet to get full health benefits.


Avocados are the perfect addition to your salads and your garden or even fruit salad. Just slice or dice the avocado and mix with the rest of your ingredients. If you use the lawyer in a salad, you can also massage the avocado salad with your hands. This eliminates the need for a second salad dressing, because the lawyer will be spread evenly over salad. For more flavor, you can add sea salt to taste.


Avocados are great fruit smoothies, because they not only add flavor, but also give a nice texture and rich creamy smoothies. Simply mix with your favorite fruits such as blueberries, bananas and pineapples, and enjoy.


Lawyers are also great when used as a dip for corn chips or vegetables such as carrots, celery and broccoli. To make guacamole simply crush some lawyers and add finely chopped tomatoes, cilantro, pepper, onion with a little lemon juice freshly pressed and unrefined sea salt.


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