Tuesday, March 29, 2011

japan nuclear meltdown

Latest Update from Japan after the devastating earthquake and tsunami lunge that crippled some Japanese economy but it is not the worst in comparison with the influence of Japan's nuclear crisis. which coverage is getting worse but raidiasi Japanese government still trying to cope with things - things that are not in want.
The following description of the impact of the nuclear crisis in japan

Nuclear reactors generate energy through controllable nuclear fission, which occurs when radioactive material is collected into a critical mass. Control rods can separate radioactive materials, thereby ending the nuclear reaction.

This means there is no danger of a nuclear explosion from a damaged Japanese nuclear plant, even if the fuel rods melt in one of the ships and the detention pond into a critical mass.

But the nuclear material inside the reactor remains radioactive, which means they release more heat. It takes a long time to cool down these materials, and spent fuel rods must be kept submerged in a cooling bath until their radioactivity decays and their intense temperature drop.

If not cooled, this material will melt. In the worst case scenario, they might be able to melt right through thick metal shield that contains the reactor, spilling highly radioactive materials into the environment. That could happen if the pool of liquid fuel to a critical mass and restart the fission reaction. This will not mean a nuclear explosion, but would produce more radioactivity and heat.

nulir crisis in japan hopefully resolved soon so that things could return to normal as usual so that the Japanese economy recovering


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