Friday, March 25, 2011

Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPV6)

one internet resource, IP Address experienced limitations in the number, let alone an IP Address to be the only internet network addressing system. This system allows communication in internet.dimaksudkan antarjaringan to resolve the problems now facing the Internet network, especially IPV4. IPV6 technology also adds several important expansion, such as automatic routing and network reconfiguration.
This new protocol will indeed replace IPv4, but at the same time both will coexist for several years until the transition to the new protocol is complete. In fact, the sophistication of IPv6 is its ability to run a transition mechanism that provides direct interoperability between IPv4 and IPv6. The transition to IPv6 is fully expected to take over a decade.
What distinguishes the IPV4 and IPV6 addresses clearly is a different size. IPV technology will use an address with a length of 16 bytes, causing the supply of IP addresses that are not limited. However, the most important of these is the presence of IPV6 improvements in security, where privacy and security is an important feature in the Internet network are concerned about all users.


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